JimBob Bowman is a maintenance specialist and product transportation employee for Tyree Ag and is currently involved in Edwards County 4-H by being a parent of a Sunflower Club 4-H'er. His daughter, Ellie, is or has been enrolled in the following projects: beef, swine, photography, crafts, and shooting sports. She has also created a barn quilt project for the fair and is looking into the poultry project for next year. Ellie is an Edwards County 4-H Ambassador, has been on the Citizen Washington Focus Trip, qualified exhibits for the Kansas State Fair, and has a traveling photo exhibit that is currently at the State 4-H Office in Manhattan, KS. She also volunteers with her club at the Palace Theatre and the annual community food drive.
JimBob has been involved in Edwards County 4-H for over 25 years, has served on the fair board and was elected fair board president. He currently is the fair pig superintendent. JimBob enjoys watching Ellie learn the importance of responsibility and see the passion she has for the 4-H organization and for agriculture. Jeannine, his wife, is also very involved in the 4-H program. Their entire family has contributed a lot to Edwards County 4-H throughout the years and we appreciate your dedication!
Thank you JimBob for sharing your 4-H story in honor of National 4-H Week! Check back tomorrow to see more from Tyree Ag employees!