Ag Industry - Blog
KSRE: Learn how to estimate corn yield potential
Once tasseling, silking, and pollination are complete, or nearly complete, producers can begin to estimate corn yield potential.
HPJ: Focusing on the 4th H
Farm and ranch families across the High Plains are now busily preparing for another annual summer tradition - the county fair. For most 4-H members, that event will not look the same as in years past
Farm Press: K deficiency exposes soybeans to 50 percent yield loss
Potassium deficiency can decrease soybean yield more than 50% across soil types that range from sandy loam to clay loam, says LSU soil fertility specialist Rasel Parvej.
HPJ: Helping rural America feed all of America
Every American has a part to play in slowing the spread of coronavirus.
KSRE: Fungicide considerations for corn diseases - Scouting is key
We are entering the time window in Kansas where corn producers should be scouting fields and assessing the need for a foliar fungicide application.
HPJ: Summer begins and safety should be top of mind
Summer is upon us and the reality is that it means long workdays are ahead for farmers and ranchers and the agribusinesses that support them.
HPJ: The importance healthy soils play in helping save the planet
Dirt is what you sweep under the cabin rug, but soil is a living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans.
Kansas Farmer: Hot, dry weather means rapid progress for cotton crop
A cool, wet May has given way to a hot, dry June, and that’s just fine with cotton growers who, as late as the last week of May, were seeing acres too wet to plant.
KSRE: Effects of recent high temperatures on wheat
There have been some extremely high temperatures during the last week in Kansas.
2020 Tyree Ag Wheat Harvest Photo Contest
As harvest begins in some parts of the U.S., we want to share our annual wheat harvest photo contest.
HPJ: How to ensure quality wheat: Check for sulfur in the soil
A common obstacle to bountiful wheat harvests is the central Plains is more pervasive than many growers realize, but a study led by the Agricultural Research Service spells out how it can be readily overcome.
HPJ: OSU Extension researching positive impacts of top-dress nitrogen and insecticide combo app
Several years ago Oklahoma State University Extension Entomologist tom Royer started noticing tank-mixing of pyrethroid insecticide with winter top-dress nitrogen becoming more popular across his state with continuous wheat.
HPJ: Upgrade your storage to ensure your future
As long as we can remember, towering white, cement elevators operated by farm cooperatives were just about the only way people stored their grain.
Wheat Stripe Rust
Several new occurrences of wheat stripe rust in Tyree Ag's service area and all of Kansas and Oklahoma.
Tyree Ag: COVID-19 May 11 Update
To our customers, we thank you.