Ag Industry - Blog
Reminder: Drones can be hazardous to low-flying pilots
Being an ag pilot is dangerous as it is, but when you add moving objects manned by uneducated operators, there is an extremely elevated risk.
Check-out Upcoming County Fair Events!
Take a second to check out some of the fun local activities going on at a county fair near you!
Palmer Amaranth: Scout Frequently and Take Action Early
Product labels "explicitly state weeds should be no more than 4” tall for maximum control. Because Palmer amaranth can grow up to 2.5” per day in certain conditions it’s important to scout frequently and spray herbicides as soon as weeds emerge."
2017 Tyree Ag Wheat Harvest Photo Contest
Tyree Ag's 2017 Wheat Harvest Photo Contest kicks off today, June 1st!
Tyree Ag Initiates Matching Fund Campaign
In response to the devastating fires in early March of this year, Tyree Ag has initiated a matching funds campaign to help raise financial support for those in the Clark County area.
Transition to Precision Pays Dividends
"If we can get our fertility, pH, and organic matter more in balance, we'll stand a better chance with Mother Nature."
Tyree Ag: Proper Nitrogen Management
Many farmers are looking to improve their nitrogen efficiency by splitting their nitrogen applications.
2017 Wheat Stripe Rust
Stripe Rust is in Kansas and we have had ideal conditions for it to spread the last couple of weeks.
Tyree Ag at the Great Bend Farm & Ranch Expo
This week, Tyree Ag will have a booth at the 2017 Great Bend Farm & Ranch Expo.
Be aware of Brown Wheat Mites
Tyree Ag salesmen have spotted brown wheat mites in fields in south central Kansas and north west Oklahoma.
Fungicide Treatments on Wheat
In general, fungicides have proven to be most effective in controlling foliar diseases on wheat in Kansas when applied in a single application sometime around flag leaf to head emergence stages, depending on level of disease risk (disease pressure and predicted weather conditions), variety resistance to the most threatening fungal diseases, yield potential, foliar fungicide efficacy, and other factors.
All About the Soil
Understanding soil health means assessing and managing soil so that it functions optimally now and is not degraded for future use.
Tyree Ag: Tiller & Toiler's Panorama Progress Edition - 2017
Tyree Ag is highlighted in the Tiller & Toiler's 2017 Panorama Progress Edition.
Tyree Ag - 2016 Extension Appreciation Award Recipient
On Tuesday, November 27, Tyree Ag was awarded the 2016 Edwards County Extension Appreciation Award at the annual extension meeting in Kinsley.
National 4-H Week : Garrett Reiss
Tyree Ag salesman, Garrett Reiss, shares his experience with 4-H.